Not everyone is a water heater expert. That's what we're here for. But, in true DIY spirit, sometimes folks try to work on their systems by themselves. When that happens, they're prone to make some mistakes. Mistakes that often end up being more costly than the problem they were trying to fix in the first place. 

Obviously the best way to avoid these mistakes is to consult with professionals who can walk you through the intricacies of your water heater. Failing that, here are five of the most common water heater mistakes people make when they take matters into their own hands. 

Poor Research

Just like your old high school English teacher told you, doing the reading is very important. Especially with commercial water heaters.  Most hoteliers and property managers tend to skimp on their research for the water heater required. They fail to understand the exact hot water needs for their buildings. The uninformed customers then end up buying equipment that doesn't meet their energy and capacity requirements.

Wrong Size Installation

When you're talking about water heaters, getting the right size matters. Wrongfully estimating your hot water needs may lead to the purchase of incompatible equipment. Underestimation creates water shortages, which can be disastrous especially for commercial establishments like for hotels, restaurants, and apartment blocks. Conversely, over shooting your estimations results in higher operational costs and wasted water. 

So what's the happy medium? Identify the peak hours people are using hot water within the building and use this information to determine the properly sized model for those needs. 

Ignoring Energy Efficiency Ratings 

Energy Efficiency isn’t just an inconvenient truth anymore. It's an unavoidable reality. Initial investment costs are high enough, so you need to consider how much money your system costs you to run. Research shows that water heating accounts for approximately 18% of the average property's energy use.

Investing in a properly equipped, energy efficient water heater can cut that down by 15%. A tankless model can save 22% more than a traditional model. If money is important to you, you need to explore all options to  calculate cost based on a long term view as opposed to immediate savings.

Over-Focusing on Initial Investment 

The initial cost of the system is surely a big deciding factor. But it shouldn't be the only one. Ignoring factors like energy efficiency, size, and fuel type and storage options may prove to be costly in the end. Don't shy away from investing in high-quality equipment that will serve your property or business for years to come.

Payless Water Heaters has been servicing Southern California home and business owners for over 30 years, and have installed upwards of 100,000 individual units. We take pride in every facet of our work, and we're willing to stand by our quality team, work, and products. To learn more about how we can help you with your next water heater service or installation, give us a call at 866.615.4008 or contact us here!